Obviously, if you plan to do any kind of fishing, you must supply your fishing gear with a variety of hooks. The system of hook sizes is really quite simple. Hook sizes are based on a normal hook size of zero. Hook sizes with a number followed by a zero increase in size as the number goes up. For example, a 4/0 hook is one size up from a 3/0 hook. Hook sizes not followed by a zero decrease in size as the number increases. A size 3 hook is smaller than a size 2 hook. There are some variations, however, with a few of the manufacturers of hooks. Some fishing hooks are designed specifically for extra strength. Extra strength hooks are often used when live-baiting to avoid having too much hook visible to the fish. They are also useful on lures, where using a bigger hook would kill the action of the lure and make it less attractive to a fish.
There are different hooks that accomplish different objectives with regards to fishing. A knife edge point is designed to cut into flesh and bone and is useful for hard mouthed fish. A needle point hook looks like a needle and is good for penetration. Needle points do not cut once in the fish’s mouth and the fish are less likely to cut their way out. Barbless hooks can be used in any point variant. Micro barbs are very small barbs that are mainly seen on small hooks for trout. A beak hook is where the point of the hook curves up towards the shank in front of the barb. Reversed hook points are points that curve away at an angle to the shank. They are said to provide a better hook-up rate as the point does not get deflected by the shank.
Standard hooks are made from wire that is bent into shape, then the point sharpened and barb added. The wire retains its round shape throughout the hook. Forged hooks, once the shape has been made, have the sides of the shank and bend flattened which makes them much stronger than standard hooks – but a good deal more expensive. They are commonly used in big game fishing where hook strength is vital, but many trophy hunters and competition fishers use them in salt and fresh water fishing.
As a general rule, hook size is determined as a function of the bait size and not by the size of the fish being targeted. The fish being targeted determines the bait size.
Fishing can be a precise sport with specialized equipment. Heading out to sea for a great fishing adventure? Be sure to bring the right gear and specifically, the right hook. It is hard to find good hooks when you are out on the open waters.
Source: “What You Need to Know about Fishing Hooks.” Information on Fishing Hooks, Types and Sizes. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.
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