Closer Than They Appear

It goes without saying; small boats should steer clear of large merchant ships. On the waterfront, it is called the law of gross tonnage, and the bigger ship will undoubtedly always win. Viewed from a smaller ship, larger ships seem to drift along at a snail’s pace...

The Name Game

Many speculate that the tradition of naming your boat originated centuries ago during the time of the ancient Egyptians on the Nile River. It has been said that boat owners spend more time searching for the perfect name for their boat than the time spent for naming...

Spooky Family Destinations

With Halloween right around the corner, you may be gearing up for a ghoul-themed trip with your family. Family Vacation Critic® has released its picks of this year’s best haunted attractions for families looking for spooky fun. For families looking for a good...

Improving the Way Families Travel this Holiday Season

For families, time on the road is a part of life, whether you’re going for a family vacation or traveling to visit grandparents for the holidays. While time in the car together is nothing new, the way families are spending their time in the car and the tools...

Preparing Your Boat for Winter

Why should I invest time and money into a boat that I won’t use during the winter? This is a common question that arises when it comes to taking the time to winterize your boat. Boat chores are never fun but keep in mind that winter weather can wreak havoc (cracked...